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Cooperative care

You can train your dog several ways for medical care :

  • distraction

  • desensitization

  • cooperation

Cooperative care is used with wild animals to turn handling into stress-free and safe process.

For dogs, that allows them to get some "control" over the care they are experiencing: they learn positions that express "I'm ready", "I need a break", "I no longer want it now".

Trust is more present because their communication is taken into account and respected.

What caring procedures?

Every care your dog would need daily or occasionally.

We do not substitute for a veterinarian or a groomer.

Together, we train your dog so that he gets more confortable in those contexts.

The care that can be considered : 

Touching - removing ticks - brushing - bathing and/or showering - cleaning the eyes - cleaning the ears - check and clean the teeth - giving medication - emptying the anal glands - cut the hair - triming the claws - simulating a sting like with a needle - going to the veterinarian - going to the groomer.

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