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Categorized dogs

The course for the Certificate of Aptitude prepares the owner for the integration of a categorized dog into his/her home. This certificate is part of the mandatory formalities for obtaining the detention permit.

I am habilitated in these departements :

  • Paris, 75

  • Yvelines, 78

  • Hauts-de-Seine, 92

  • Val d'Oise, 95

I provide it straight at your house, with your dog.

The breeds

Category 1

  • Pitbull looking (Amstaff and Staffie non-LOF) depending on the diagnosis

  • Tosa non-LOF

  • Boerbulls (Mastiff-looking)

Category 2

  • American Stafforshire terrier LOF

  • Tosa LOF

  • Rottweiler LOF and non-LOF (depending on the diagnosis)

american staffordshire

Schedule of the course

The program is established by the ministries of agriculture and the interior.

  1. Reminding the goals and issues of the law

  2. Knowledge about dogs and the relationship between the owner and the dog

  3. The aggressive behavior and how to prevent them

  4. Demonstrating and implementing the good practice.

Duration = 7h

in your house

with your dog

End of the day

You receive your certificate of aptitude to complete your file for the detention permit.

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