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Your timing in training your dog counts

Whether it is to reinforce (= increase the probability of a behavior occurring = make your dog do this or that more often) or punish (= decrease the probability of a behavior occurring = make your dog do this or that less often or stop doing this or that) a behavior of your dog, the exact moment when you react to show him your satisfaction or your disapproval influences the future of this behavior.

Examples about humans

➤ Your child helps you put away the groceries from the supermarket.

1 – you thank him by letting choose his drink before sitting at the table, 4 hours later

2 – you thank him immediately and allow him some time to watch TV before his homework

3 – you give him a glass and a fruit juice

If you opt for 1 : I doubt he'll associate your thanks with something that happened 4 hours ago, unless you consider pointing that out to him.

If you opt for 2 : The connection is immediate and leaves no doubt about the effort he made and your appreciation of it.

If you opt for 3 : he gets no information about his effort, only something to quench his thirst.


➤ Vous êtes sur l’autoroute et un véhicule s’insère sur votre voie, juste devant vous, sans avoir mis ses clignotants au préalable, et roule moins vite que vous. You are on the highway and a vehicle merges on your lane, right in front of you, without having put on its turn signals beforehand, and is driving slower than you are.

1 – you honk when you see him doing his maneuver before he's finished merging

2 – you swear and slow down, cursing drivers who got their licenses in a Christmas cracker

3 – you honk when you are 2 kms further

If you opt for 1 : the other driver may reconsider his maneuver, not certain but possible.

If you opt for 2 : the other driver is not aware of the inconvenience he just caused you, especially since you adapt your driving after his behavior

If you opt for 3 : he may wonder what's crossing your mind at that very moment, and, that's it.

Examples about dogs

➤ You dog comes to you when you call him.

1 – you praise and reward him as soon as he has arrived by your side

2 – you keep walking as if nothing had happened

3 – you praise and reward him when he resumes his walk

dog coming when called

If you opt for 1 : you dog figures it out that coming to you is a win

If you opt for 2 : he got no information, he knows neither if it was what was expected or not

If you opt for 3 : he understands that moving on is desired, and that only.

➤ Your dog puts his front paws on the table to get closer access to your meal.

1 – you scold him while he's back in his bed

2 – you tell him to get down and praise him a few seconds after he's back on the floor

3 – you say no word and push him down from time to time

If you opt for 1 : your dog learns that him being back in his bed is something you dislike

If you opt for 2 : your dog learns to get down by himself and that it's better to be off the table

If you opt for 3 : he gets no information and as you deal with the situation every now and then, he learns nothing.

Beyond coherence when teaching your dog behaviors, your timing greatly influences his understanding of what behaviors are acceptable and which ones he needs to ban to keep you in a good mood.



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