Sometimes I am asked what I think about this or that allopathic or phytotherapeutic treatment, this or that flower, this or that non-allopathic approach, called more traditional medicine, this or that belief. Several studies show the effectiveness of certain protocols; others do not confirm or deny anything about their relevance.
Besides, when I read that because something is said to be natural, it is beneficial and without side effects, I admit to being worried and hoping that since arsenic is also natural, you would refuse it to your dog all the same.
Personally, I merely refuse to rule on any type of treatment.
However, this is often interpreted as the opposite of what I mean.
I may be likely to say something as for the accuracy of a treatment if I see that the dog's cognitive abilities are diminished or even crushed, making him unable to learn anything, or if I suspect a health issue (but without saying what it is).
When I see behaviors, postures, signs that indicate to me that a health issue may be triggering or aggravating a dog's behaviors, I suggest visiting the veterinarian. I may also be likely to write down my observations on postures and behaviors to the veterinarian, and no more so as not to risk biasing his analysis, or directing it.
I have not studied the dog organism like a veterinarian. I do not have extensive education on diseases, viruses and bacteria and their impact on the dog organism. Veterinarians do continue to figure out diseases. I do not know the dosages and complementarities.
Même si j’ai des connaissances, qu’elles soient en allopathie, en neurosciences, en éthologie, trop de paramètres qui échappent à mes compétences feraient obstacle à une aide honnête. Qui plus est, médicaliser, que ce soit par un traitement allopathique ou non, relève selon moi du domaine vétérinaire ; et je tiens à respecter cette limite. Even though I have knowledge, whether in allopathy, neuroscience, ethology, too many parameters beyond my skills would hinder an honest help. Moreover, medicalizing, whether by allopathic treatment or not, falls within the veterinary field in my opinion; and I want to respect that limit.