When we note a behavior in Doggy, a global observation, a thorough analysis, make it possible to confirm or refute a diagnosis. This also makes it possible to exclude some issues. Solutions to modify behaviors and/or emotional perceptions cannot be generalized. It is not enough to consider an undesirable behavior and apply a remedy for the situation to get resolved. Some behaviors are symptoms of others, are motivated by emotions, by a particular state of health, have been reinforced, mask others. One key does not open all locks.
For examples :
Your dog barks when you leave him home alone :
he is behind the door and cannot stand it closed
he is behind the door and panicky at being alone
he is behind the door because sometimes when you leave you talk to him and sometimes you don't
he is far from the door and having fun
he is very sensitive to sounds and the key in the lock horrifies him
he is far from the door and responds to another dog on your street
he is behind the door and is bored because he does not go out more than 15 minutes a day
Behind all these observations, different motivations prompt him to bark : a negative association, a lack of information or contradictory information which creates confusion, a state of panic, boredom, pleasure... By unveiling what barking is the symptom of, we can apply the most appropriate learning as best as possible. On the one hand, it will be a matter of teaching the dog not to react to sound stimuli, on the other hand, to have more activities, on the other hand again, to desensitize him to loneliness, etc. Treating only the barking would be to ignore what causes it.
Your dog whines, barks, lunges when he can see another dog :
he wants to reduce the distance to play = friend
he wants to increase the distance out of fear = enemy
he wants to reduce the distance to consume = snack
he is confused and influenced by a conflict between a desire to get to know the other one and a refusal to interact
he is held with a leash that is too short
he wants to warn because feeling pain he anticipates an unpleasant interaction
he associated the sight of a dog with the arrival of a being he greatly appreciates
Just because your dog barks at the end of the leash does not necessarily mean the same issue. On the one hand, it will be a matter of teaching him to manage his excitement and/or frustration, on the other hand to opt for other communication strategies, on the other hand again to treat him physically, on the other hand again to change the walking tools, etc.
If you have sneezed and I give you tissues, I have only just dealt with what is visible and accessible. However, you could be sneezing because of an allergy, acid reflux, a cold, or totally something else.
When we intervene, it is not just a matter of transmitting tools to modify undesirable behaviors, but of assessing a situation as a whole so that those transmitted correspond as best as possible and allow a positive evolution for all of the beings.