I am often asked that question. I have learned through experience that I can only rarely establish a precise date, a fixed number of sessions. There are many parameters to take into account which make it fluctuating : the involvement of the humans for training, their availability, their understanding of the exercises, their re-interpretation of them, their own emotions, the cognitive abilities of the dog, his health, his age, his progress in life, the experiences he has had since the start of his training, etc. Events may occur that hinder or increase the progress of Doggy and his humans ; others can cause them to stagnate.
Just like humans, dogs are sentient beings, beings with emotions. Some have more developed abilities for certain learning than for others. The consistency, clarity, and diligence of the humans are also great allies in the development of his skills.
Unlike a tool for which we may be able to set a date for its repair, I will not set one for a living being. I follow their pace. What's more, I noticed that humans then have (with a deadline) expectations which overestimate the dog's abilities and reject the very idea of waiting any longer for an evolution in the desired direction.
If I take the example of the dog who suffers from separation anxiety, some will progress quickly when his humans are passing the door, but need more time to tolerate being alone ; others will need several weeks to relax when the door is closed, but progress very quickly from there.
If I take the example of the dog who pulls on the leash as soon as he sees a fellow dog, some will be able to take charge quickly, but regress if an off-leashed dog runs in the same environment as them ; others will need to work with many steps, a great distance, but will manage the unexpected with the same aplomb.