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How I have changed how I perceive Mondays

When I was an employee, the companies I worked for, some of their managers, motivated me to stay under my blankets, to come back on Monday after a two-day break without much enthusiasm. Sometimes, I was already breathing disappointment on Sundays evening. On Mondays morning, I got ready hastily so as not to have time to think. Mondays had taken on a negative value.

On the other hand, I felt lighter from Friday morning, counting down the hours until the weekend, being “free” for two days, having permission not to pretend to like what I was doing and to appreciate colleagues that I merely tolerated.

I did not build the plan to change my perception knowingly and consciously. Nonetheless, nowadays, I can see the benefits: Mondays and Fridays have the same value.

I changed my occupation

I went from a job that kept me alive to a job that I enjoy getting up for in the morning. I went from a job where I felt the need to find this and that in order to try to approximate a pseudo-pleasure in doing it, to a job where every part – even the boring ones – radiates pleasure. Every single task I do gives me satisfaction, in one way or another.

I feel myself evolving at every moment. I see myself changing. I see possible projects. I share smiles, sorrows, annoyances, hopes. I no longer work "for", I work with.

Having the “power” to decide my work environment allows me to have a lighter mind to focus on what is essential.

I changed my day off

I am falsely in control of my schedule: I have established it by taking into account when families would be most available to collaborate. So I opted to work on Saturdays and Sundays. However, for my well-being, for my personal and private organization, a day to disconnect from work was essential to take. After hesitating between two days, I chose Tuesday. So, Tuesdays are now my old Saturdays and Sundays; Tuesdays are my weekend.

days of the week

Thus, Mondays becomes the equivalent of my old Fridays. I can assign them the value that Fridays had. My Fridays have not taken on the value of my old Mondays since it is more or less in the middle of my work week (which is from Wednesday to Monday).

What about your dog ?

For some aspects of his life, you don't need to train him, to teach him particular behaviors. Sometimes, simply by changing the spot of his bed, the time and/or place of the walk, the type of brush, simply by creating another routine, by giving him control over certain aspects of his own life, his perceptions can be modified and his undesirable behaviors cease accordingly.



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