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A separation anxiety session

When a dog suffers from being alone, I carry out a three-month protocol during which I accompany his humans day after day. A schedule is established together, allowing breaks and notifying our availabilities.

Before a session

I create a file on which you can find the exercices to make during the session. That file is created day by day as it depends on the previous session, on the dog's evolution.

I send it to you, along with the link. Indeed, those sessions need practicing remotely so that there are as few biases as possible ; as we aim at getting the dog relaxed when he is alone.

During a session

My microphone is off so that the sounds from my part does not bias the session. I have a pen and a stopwatch in hand to take measurements.

You log in and carry out the exercices written on the file as if I was not observing.

If one of us need to transmit or receive information or precision, we exchange via written messages.

After a session

Before logging out, I switch my microphone on. I let you know what I observed and we exchange about the evolution of your dog.

If I am still uncertain about a few details (for instance, the dog barked during every exercice while he used to remain calm), I question you so that I can fill some blanks in in my notes: as a matter of fact, some elements, from the environment, from the passed day, from his health state, can alter how the session happens.

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