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Ingrid Mulson
3 min read
The reinforcement
From a behavioral perspective, reinforcing is the action that aims to increase the probability that a behavior will be produced more...
Ingrid Mulson
2 min read
Emotions and the expected behaviors
Emotions are short-term physiological reactions to an existing and immediately perceived stimulus (heartbeat, sweating, panting,...
Ingrid Mulson
3 min read
Why is dominance the first online course of K9 Voice ?
We can hear everything and its opposite Utter dominance, and observe the reactions of the people around you. This will range from...
Ingrid Mulson
3 min read
What is a « good » positive reinforcer ?
First of all, what is a reinforcer ? A reinforcer is an element you give to your dog, your child, your employee, your friend so that he...
Ingrid Mulson
2 min read
Get to a dog
When you are approaching a dog, especially if you do not know him, I advise you to respect his perception before considering...
Ingrid Mulson
2 min read
Science and ethics
It matters to me not to content myself with my "sensitivity", not to advise only from what I have always personally experienced, always...
Ingrid Mulson
3 min read
Anthropomorphism, friend or foe ?
The anthropomorphism is : to attribute to dogs (because I am only talking about them here) the behaviors, feelings and characteristics of...
Ingrid Mulson
5 min read
Fear in dogs
What is fear ? It is an emotion. Which means that when doggy is facing up to something or someone that fills him/her with it, he/she has...
Ingrid Mulson
2 min read
My dog is
If I am hungry and tired, potentially, you might get to know my grumpy side. Does this mean that I am mean ? If I am in a good mood and...
Ingrid Mulson
2 min read
Make the right diagnosis
When we note a behavior in Doggy, a global observation, a thorough analysis, make it possible to confirm or refute a diagnosis. This also...
Ingrid Mulson
2 min read
My puppy bites
Rather than looking like the picture on the left, you sometimes have the impression that your puppy is turning into a little piranha. He...
Ingrid Mulson
7 min read
The anti-barking collar
What is it to bring up a dog? According to Larousse, it is: « to train someone by developing and developing their personality » ; « to...
Ingrid Mulson
1 min read
Won't I reinforce my dog's fear when I comfort him ?
In behavior, a reinforcer is what prompts a behavior to be reproduced. This implies that if Doggy does a behavior, if he does it again,...
Ingrid Mulson
2 min read
How long until my dog is ready ?
I am often asked that question. I have learned through experience that I can only rarely establish a precise date, a fixed number of...
Ingrid Mulson
2 min read
Flooding the dog
What does flooding look like ? It is a technique of training and learning, which aims to get the behavior of the dog extinct, to make the...
Ingrid Mulson
1 min read
A separation anxiety session
When a dog suffers from being alone, I carry out a three-month protocol during which I accompany his humans day after day. A schedule is...
Ingrid Mulson
2 min read
Say no to my dog
When Doggy is making an action, a behavior, which you don't like, you interrupt it with a "no". If "no" is part of the human vocabulary,...
Ingrid Mulson
2 min read
When do I punish my dog?
It is important to tell apart the punishment as commonly heard from the one as a behavioral point of view. According to the dictionary,...
Ingrid Mulson
3 min read
He knows!
The definition of verbs such as to know are so fuzzy to me that the words are made ambigous. « To know » means among other things : to...
Ingrid Mulson
3 min read
My dog gets into mischief!
What lies behind the word “mischief” often has several realities. On the one hand, we have the humans’ perception. Which differs...
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